Tuesday, January 9, 2024

I am not a 'Content Creator'


The depersonalization of expertise and expressionism is an extremely unwelcome bit of corporate linguistic shift.

I am an educator. A writer. A master culinarian. A personal trainer. I am a great many things, but when I choose to share them, it is for purpose. The notion of 'content creation' is designed to showcase the superfluous, the distraction, to work as camouflage for the exploitation beneath.

No matter how reliably I continue to do the correct and proper thing, I lose ground. The things I produce, the information I unearth, collate, refine, and share- none of it will become less valuable or less important as time passes. But it feels quite often as though I am filling a bookshelf that's somehow hidden, the contents unread.

To an extent, this is very much what might be considered a #firstworldproblem. To be grousing that no one pays attention could likewise easily be considered sour grapes. But it isn't. It's a valid and robust concern about the state of the general public, its approach to media, and the media industry's relentless efforts to homogenize, commoditize, and dehumanize.

Look for ways to improve rather than escape. You owe the world that much at least.

Much more, really. But that's a good start.

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