Friday, June 23, 2023


 Here, perhaps a half hour from San Francisco, it will likely be quite a vigorous affair come this weekend.
As with any well-intended struggle towards social progress though, there is always conflict bubbling just beneath the surface. 

Puritan-minded children forgetting their history. Religious extremists shiny-eyed with false righteousness. Flag-wrapped right-wingers spreading venom and nonsense. Tourists.

They all dangle the bait, hoping desperately to be given a chance to cry assault, harassment, to unleash hell in 'self-defense'. They are shielded in part by the insidious, oppresssive presence from 'law enforcement', who should never be welcome.  Anything but inaction and invisibility from such an organization defines them as an enemy of progress. By and large they are naught but extortionists with badges and guns, seeking to protect the wealthy, and thus the status quo. 

They work hand in hand with corporations as they rainbow-wash all they can see and warp the struggle into a milquetoast advertising affair, fabricating a false neutral ground. But it's always clear that not a one of them really has our backs.

So, struggles aplenty from within and without, and not a hint of subtlety to any of it, either. Which, at least to me, is a clear statement of the underlying problem.

Individual identity is a privilege. It has many requirements. Those who scorn the most important ones tend to reveal themselves during things like Pride- detractors, supporters, and 'supporters' alike.

Pride exists as an indignant, fed-up response against relentless efforts to prevent the betterment of chronically mistreated, oppressed minorities. 

Consider: why would a person try to stop another from having access to like privileges?

Simply because those in the way of progress know, deep down, that they have already been left behind. They do not meet the requirements to be a part of the world we struggle to build, so they fight to keep us in this one.

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