Saturday, March 18, 2023

Brief Update on Myself


    My struggle to find a suitable, steady job throughout the course of the pandemic has been exhausting. If it's not being led on and then ghosted by headhunters, restaurants, or facilities, it's finding out the potential operations are some mix of unsafe, unethical, or simply unwilling to pay. 

    Jobhunting is never pleasant- I've sent out more variations on my resume than I can recall, and cover letters are a special sort of poisonous I thoroughly despise. The notion of 'selling oneself' has ever been an issue for me. Preferring to let my expertise and understanding speak for themselves is difficult when the loudest voices are most often those that need never be heard. Such methods are thoroughly foreign to me.

    Those cultural difficulties lie atop many physical and environmental ones. In early 2020, my car was stolen, and never recovered. A few months later, I was attacked by an escaped neighborhood dog and was injured. Though not life-threatening, I was bedridden for several weeks, and now have a visible dent of missing muscle in my right shin. While still healing, I had to pack up and move to a new city. Imagine carrying boxes hopping on one leg, bleeding down the other. A lot. So all of that, plus my many duties handling shopping, cooking, some cleaning, and miscellaneous management duties for the household I had to move into, and you have quite the robust mess. 

    But as of today, the lion's share of change has come. I found a new place to live, and am nearing the end of the moving process. It's so quiet. So peaceful. So still. There's still hauling to be done and plenty of outfitting yet to do of course, but everything that required a moving truck is here. That day's titanic effort reminded me how aggressively out of condition I am. This past year has been riddled with stress-induced starvation, to the point where I'm down about ten kilos of muscle mass. For someone my size, that leaves me a bit skeletal. But now I can eat, exercise, and exist in some manner of calm, in a way I have not known for far too many years.

    The hunt for work now starts up more aggressively, as does proper eating and physical training. I need all that muscle back, and more besides- my industries are not kind to those possessed of poor fitness. While I hunt for work, I'll have time to start streaming again, and hopefully in the doing endear myself to the new neighbors/neighborhood.

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